Friday, October 22, 2010

Big Brother Africa All Stars 2010 Runner Up 'Munya Chidzonga' Handed $300,000 By President Mugabe

Big brother Africa all stars 2010 runner up Munya of Zimbabwe was shown on state television footage receiving a $300,000 cheque from President Mugabe. According to the BBC, Mugabe was quoted saying "From our point of view, for us, you were the winner,". The cheque he received is a third more than that of the actual winner Uti Nwachukwu. The sentiment in Zimbabwe is that Munya was robbed of the final victory while analyst think Mugabe is using Munya's popularity as a ploy to endear himself to younger voters. 

Congratulations to Mr Munya, guess you can rub that in Uti's face.   People who think he was robbed need to get a life! Its just a television show.  On to real life issues, your president has been in power for the last two decades; complain about that instead! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All these African leaders are greedy Sons of Bitches!! Instead of him to use the cash to fix some of the problems in the country, he's throwing it away on a silly boy who appeared on the silliest, classless show on the planet!!! God purnish all of them, fuckers