Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Movie Review: The Social Network

The 'Social Network' is truly a delectable feast for real movie lovers especially in this age of spectacular crappy Hollywood movies. "Erica Albright is a bitch... For the record, she may look like a 34D, but she's getting all kinds of help from our friends at Victoria Secret. She's a 34B, as in barely anything there. False Advertising." That quote had me hooked the first 10mins into the movie. The movie is surprisingly packed with unintentional jokes that endear you to the characters. The movie chronicles the genesis of the social network Facebook especially the genius and eccentricity of its founder Mark Zuckerberg. It boasts a group of talented, young actors, definitely ones to watch. Jesse Eisenberg was born to play the role of Mark Zukerberg, his talent is undeniable. Majority of the movie focuses on the lawsuits filed against Mark Zuckerburg by his best friend and co-founder of Facebook Eduardo Saverin and The Winklevoss twins. While Saverin did in fact have a genuine claim, I feel the settlement made to the Winklevoss twins reflects the travesty of the American justice system! 65Million settlement for kind of stealing their idea is daylight robbery but we all know more money is stolen with a briefcase than with a gun. 
Our Verdict: Geeks are the new black, rush to the cinema! 

Favourite Quotes from the Social Network: 

Mark Zuckerberg: "You know you really don't need a damn forensic team to get to the bottom of this. If you guys were the inventors of Facebook you'd have invented Facebook"
Divya Narendra: "I'm just gonna stand over your shoulder while you write us a check."
Zuckerberg: "No shit"

Erica Albright: "You are going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole."

Eduardo Saverin: "The dining hall was serving chicken for dinner and I had to feed my chicken so I just... I cut up little pieces of chicken and gave it to the chicken. There were a lot of people there and someone must have seen me and the next thing I knew I was being accused of forced cannibalism"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it so much, after watching it I found Eduardo Saverin's facebook page, he has pictures up and everything. Great Movie