In the closest Big Brother Africa voting race ever, Nigeria's UtiNwachukwu triumphed over fellow house mate MunyaChidzonga to emerge the winner of the show and the $200,000 grand prize. For Uti whose father passed away while he was in the Big brother house the win will definitely be bittersweet. Here is hoping he spends the money wisely. What would you do if you won $200,000?
Check out Uti Nwachukwu's next film! Uti needs your help to pledge and spread the word!
Written by 22 year-old African actress and filmmaker Sahndra Fon Dufe, ‘Yefon’ is the story of a young woman who defies her village’s customs to learn how to read and become educated only to face a death sentence as a result.
Inspired by women around the world who have faced similar circumstances, Ms. Fon Dufe and her production team have pledged to use a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the film, companion documentary, books and related merchandise to build an all-girls’ school in Nso, the village in Cameroon where Yefon’s story takes place.
Uti will be playing the role of the Prince in ‘Yefon’.
Please feel free to message me for more access to the story.
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Check out Uti Nwachukwu's next film! Uti needs your help to pledge and spread the word!
Written by 22 year-old African actress and filmmaker Sahndra Fon Dufe, ‘Yefon’ is the story of a young woman who defies her village’s customs to learn how to read and become educated only to face a death sentence as a result.
Inspired by women around the world who have faced similar circumstances, Ms. Fon Dufe and her production team have pledged to use a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the film, companion documentary, books and related merchandise to build an all-girls’ school in Nso, the village in Cameroon where Yefon’s story takes place.
Uti will be playing the role of the Prince in ‘Yefon’.
Please feel free to message me for more access to the story.
Angela Ruhinda
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